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How should I store my fast shipping colored contact lenses while traveling?

If your fast shipping colored contact lenses feel dry while wearing them, it’s essential to address the issue promptly to avoid discomfort and potential damage to your eyes. Here’s what you can do if your lenses feel dry:

  1. Rehydrate Your Eyes: Start by using lubricating eye drops or rewetting drops specifically formulated for contact lenses. Apply a couple of drops to each eye while wearing your colored contacts and blink several times to distribute the moisture evenly across the lens surface.
  2. Blink Regularly: Blinking helps to spread tears and moisture over the surface of your eyes, which can alleviate dryness and improve comfort while wearing contact lenses. Make a conscious effort to blink more frequently, especially if you’re engaging in activities that may reduce your natural blink rate, such as staring at screens or reading for extended periods.
  3. Take a Break: If your colored contacts continue to feel dry, consider removing them temporarily and giving your eyes a break. Place the lenses in a clean contact lens case filled with fresh contact lens solution to keep them hydrated while you rest your eyes. This can help reduce dryness and irritation and allow your eyes to recover.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to maintain overall hydration, which can help keep your eyes moist and comfortable. Dehydration can contribute to dry eye symptoms, so staying well-hydrated is essential, fast shipping colored contact lenses  particularly if you’re wearing contact lenses for an extended period or in dry environments.
  5. Avoid Environmental Triggers: Minimize exposure to environmental factors that can exacerbate dry eye symptoms, such as smoke, wind, air conditioning, or dry air. Use humidifiers in indoor environments to add moisture to the air and help prevent excessive evaporation of tears.
  6. Check for Proper Fit: Ensure that your colored contact lenses fit properly and are not too tight or too loose on your eyes. Ill-fitting lenses can cause discomfort and may contribute to dryness by impeding the normal flow of tears and oxygen to the eyes. If you suspect that your lenses are causing discomfort due to poor fit, consult your eye care professional for evaluation and adjustment.
  7. Consult Your Eye Care Professional: If dryness persists despite these measures or if you experience other symptoms such as redness, irritation, or blurred vision, it’s essential to seek advice from your eye care professional. They can evaluate your eyes and contact lenses, identify any underlying issues, and recommend appropriate treatment options to alleviate dry eye symptoms and ensure the health and comfort of your eyes.

By taking these steps, you can effectively manage dryness while wearing your fast shipping colored contact lenses and maintain comfortable and healthy eyes. However, if dryness persists or worsens, be sure to consult your eye care professional for further evaluation and guidance tailored to your individual needs.

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